You should know:

You don’t have to live life feeling depleted and afraid. Reach out for help.

Anxiety and Depression Therapy in Warrenton, Virginia

A Path 2 Healing Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety is part of me but not who i am

I am committed to fostering an environment where you can confront and challenge your thoughts, thereby making room for positive life changes.

My approach is designed to help you trust in your ability to navigate anxiety and depression, guiding you towards living your most fulfilling life.

You’ve tried everything you can think of to feel better, but nothing’s sticking.

Feeling overwhelmed by the need to be perfect, comparing yourself to others, or overthinking decisions can be exhausting and frustrating. It's a common struggle to feel stuck in these patterns, leading to dissatisfaction and self-criticism.

Remember, it's okay not to be perfect and to have your unique path. Shifting focus from external standards to your own values and acceptance is key. Recognizing these feelings is the first step towards change. You're not alone, and with support, you can learn to ease the pressure on yourself, make peace with imperfections, and find joy in your own journey. Taking things one step at a time and focusing on what truly matters to you can lead to a more content and fulfilling life.

whatever it is your experiencing…

Struggle to stay focused and productive in school

Attaching self-worth to your performance

Fear that something bad may happen

You’re not alone.

Understanding Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression can significantly impact your thoughts, emotions, and daily functioning, often creating a cycle that feels difficult to break. Our therapeutic approach begins with educating you about these conditions, helping you understand their roots, and how they affect your mind and body. This understanding is crucial for demystifying your experiences and setting the stage for empowerment.

Cognitive-Behavioral/Exposure Therapy can help.

It may feel impossible now, but you can overcome your worry. You can create balance in your daily life. You can take gradual steps to decrease anxiety/panic responses. And I can help you get there. CBT and/or Exposure therapy can help you do three things….

  • CBT works by helping individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to their anxiety, encouraging a more realistic and positive way of thinking.

    Exposure therapy, on the other hand, gradually and systematically exposes individuals to the situations or objects they fear, in a controlled and safe environment. This helps reduce the fear response over time.

    Together, these therapies can uncover the underlying causes of anxiety, teach coping mechanisms, and help individuals confront their fears directly, leading to significant improvements in anxiety symptoms.

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) helps you understand how your thoughts influence your behavior and emotions, particularly concerning anxiety. It operates on the principle that negative thinking patterns can lead to anxiety-provoking behaviors. By evaluating these thoughts critically, CBT guides you to identify, challenge, and alter them.

    This process empowers you to change the way you think about and react to situations, leading to reduced anxiety and improved coping strategies.

    Essentially, by modifying distorted thinking, CBT helps in creating healthier behavior patterns and reducing the symptoms of anxiety.

  • CBT and exposure therapy give you easy ways to notice and stop anxiety early.

    Mindfulness helps you watch your thoughts without getting caught up in them, so you can see when anxiety starts. Keeping a thought diary helps you spot and change anxious thoughts.

    Exposure therapy lets you face fears bit by bit, so they scare you less over time.

    Using these tools often can help you manage anxiety better by catching it before it gets too strong.

Making Positive Life Changes

Empowerment comes from taking actionable steps towards change. We encourage you to set realistic, achievable goals that align with your values and aspirations. Whether it's adopting healthier lifestyle habits, engaging in activities that bring you joy, or improving your relationships, we support you in making changes that contribute to your overall well-being.

Are these therapeutic approaches right for you?

CBT or Exposure and Response Prevention is a good fit for you if you…

  • Have experienced a difficult time with anxiety, panic, or OCD

  • Are struggling with the impacts of avoiding people, places or things

  • Feeling irritable and unable to think clearly

A Path 2 Healing Commitment

Walking with you through your journey

At A Path 2 Healing, I am dedicated to walking with you on your journey through anxiety and depression towards a life of fulfillment and happiness. My holistic approach ensures you have the strategies, support, and understanding needed to trust in yourself and make lasting positive changes.

Reach out to discover how I can support you in overcoming anxiety and depression and moving towards living your fullest life.

A Path 2 Healing anxiety and depression therapy

Your story is welcome here.



  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that helps you identify and change negative thought patterns affecting your emotions and behaviors. Exposure Therapy is a CBT technique that gradually exposes you to anxiety-provoking situations to help reduce fear and avoidance behaviors over time.

  • CBT helps by teaching you to recognize negative thoughts that contribute to anxiety and depression. Through various strategies, like mindfulness and thought records, you learn to challenge and change these thoughts, leading to improved mood and reduced anxiety.

  • Exposure Therapy specifically targets anxiety by confronting fears in a controlled, gradual way. This process helps you become less sensitive to the things you fear, reducing anxiety symptoms and helping you manage situations you used to avoid.

  • Yes, both CBT and Exposure Therapy are evidence-based approaches that have been proven effective in altering thought patterns and emotional responses associated with anxiety and depression. With practice, these therapies can lead to significant improvements in how you think, feel, and behave.

  • You'll learn several practical tools, including mindfulness techniques to observe thoughts without judgment, thought records to identify and challenge negative beliefs, and exposure techniques to face fears gradually. These tools are designed to help you catch anxiety and depression loops early and apply coping strategies effectively.